StatBean Name: Autocorrelations

Purpose: Calculates sample autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations for a time series.

DataSource: any.

Read/Write Properties
NameTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault Value
maximumLagintMaximum lag at which estimate in desired.1+12
replaceMissingValuesbooleanReplace any missing values within time time series.true,falsetrue
seasonalLengthintThe number of time periods comprising a season.1+1
timeSeriesVariableNameStringThe name of the column with data values to be plotted.Any string.""

Other Public Methods
NameDescriptionArgumentsReturn Value
double getAcfStandardError(int lag)Returns the standard error of the estimated autocorrelation.Lag (1-maximumLag).Standard error.
double getAutocorrelation(int lag)Returns the estimated autocorrelation.Lag (1-maximumLag).Estimated coefficient.
int getNumberOfMissingValuesReplaced()Returns the number of missing values replaced with estimates.None.Number replaced.
double getPacfStandardError(int lag)Returns the standard error of the estimated partial autocorrelation.Lag (1-maximumLag).Standard error.
double getPartialAutocorrelation(int lag)Returns the estimated partial autocorrelation.Lag (1-maximumLag).Estimated coefficient.
int getSampleSize()Returns the number of data values used to obtain estimates.None.Sample size.

Output Variables
ACFEstimated autocorrelations.
PACFEstimated partial autocorrelations.

Code Sample
- see AutocorrelationsPlot.