StatBean Name: CorrelationsTable

Purpose: Displays estimated correlations for pairs of numeric columns.

DataSource: Correlations.

Read/Write Properties
NameTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault Value
decimalPlacesintNumber of decimal places for correlations and P-values.1-94
rankCorrelationbooleanWhether to display rank correlations instead of product-moment correlations.true,falsefalse
showHeadingbooleanWhether to include a heading at the top of the table.true,falsetrue
showPvaluesbooleanWhether to include P-values in the table.true,falsetrue
showSampleSizebooleanWhether to include sample sizes the table.true,falsetrue

Other properties are inherited from the java.awt.Panel class and from the general TabularStatbean class.

Code Sample
- see Correlations.