StatBean Name: GageRandRTable

Purpose: Displays summary of a gage R&R study.

DataSource: GageRandR

Read/Write Properties
NameTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault Value
showANOVAbooleanWhether to display the analysis of variance table.true,falsetrue
showEstimatedSigmabooleanWhether to display a line with the estimated R&R sigma.true,falsetrue
showPartsbooleanWhether to display an analysis of part-to-part variability.true,falsetrue
showRandRTablebooleanWhether to display a table showing the estimated R&R components.true,falsetrue
showStudySizebooleanWhether to display a summary of the study size.true,falsetrue
showTitlebooleanWhether to display a title at the top of the page.true,falsetrue
sigmaMultipledoubleMultiple of sigma used to compute P/T ratio.>05.15
tolerancedoubleWidth of specification.>0 to include P/T ratio0.0

Other properties are inherited from the java.awt.Panel class and from the general TabularStatbean class.

Code Sample - see GageRandR.