Name | Type | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
arimaAR | int | Order of nonseasonal autoregressive term in an ARIMA model. | 0-4 | 0 |
arimaD | int | Order of nonseasonal differencing in an ARIMA model. | 0-2 | 0 |
arimaIncludeConstant | boolean | Whether to include a constant term when estimating ARIMA models. | true,false | true |
arimaMA | int | Order of nonseasonal moving average term in an ARIMA model. | 0-4 | 0 |
arimaSAR | int | Order of seasonal autoregressive term in an ARIMA model. | 0-4 | 0 |
arimaSD | int | Order of seasonal differencing in an ARIMA model. | 0-2 | 0 |
arimaSMA | int | Order of seasonal moving average term in an ARIMA model. | 0-4 | 0 |
backforecasting | boolean | Whether to use backforecasting when estimating ARIMA models. | true,false | true |
confidenceLevel | double | Level of confidence for the prediction and confidence limits, as a percentage. | 0.0001-99.9999 | 95.0 |
modelType | String | Type of model to use for forecasting. | "Random Walk","Mean","Linear Trend", "Quadratic Trend","Exponential Trend", "SCurve","MA","EWMA", "Linear Smoothing","Quadratic Smoothing", "Holts Smoothing","Winters Smoothing" "ARIMA" | "Random Walk" |
movingAverageSpan | int | Number of terms in the MA smoother. | 2+ | 5 |
numberOfForecasts | int | The number of time periods to forecast. | 1+ | 12 |
optimize | boolean | Whether to optimize the exponential smoothing parameters. | true,false | true |
samplingInterval | double | The length of time between consecutive data values. | Any double > 0.0 | 1.0 |
seasonalLength | int | The number of time periods comprising a season. | 1+ | 1 |
smoothingParameter1 | double | First parameter for exponential smoothing. | 0-1, exclusive. | 0.1 |
smoothingParameter2 | double | Second parameter for exponential smoothing. | 0-1, exclusive. | 0.1 |
smoothingParameter3 | double | Third parameter for exponential smoothing. | 0-1, exclusive. | 0.1 |
startTime | String | The value of time associated with row 1. | Any string resulting in the proper type of value. | "1.0" |
timeScale | String | The type of time units. | "Year","Quarter","Month","Day", "Hour","Minute","Second","Other" | "Other" |
timeSeriesVariableName | String | The name of the column with data values to be plotted. | Any string. | "" |
withholdForValidation | int | The number of time periods to withhold from estimation and use for validation statistics. | 0+ | 0 |
Name | Description | Arguments | Return Value |
int getArimaDegreesOfFreedom() | Returns the residual degrees of freedom for an ARIMA model. | None. | Degrees of freedom. |
int getArimaIterations() | Returns the number of iterations used to fit an ARIMA model. | None. | Iterations. |
double getArimaMeanSquaredError() | Returns the residual mean squared error when fitting an ARIMA model. | None. | MSE. |
double getArimaParameterEstimate(int i) | Returns the estimate of the i-th parameter in an ARIMA model (in the order AR,MA,SAR,SMA,mean). | Index. | Estimate. |
double getArimaStandardError(int i) | Returns the standard error of the estimate of the i-th parameter in an ARIMA model. | Index. | Standard error. |
double getForecastData(int row) | Returns the forecasted values. | Row index (0 origin). | Forecasted value. |
double getLowerLimit(int row) | Returns the lower confidence limits for the forecasts. | Row index (0 origin). | Lower limit. |
double getMAE() | Returns the mean absolute error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getMAPE() | Returns the mean absolute percentage error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getME() | Returns the mean error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getMPE() | Returns the mean percentage error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getMSE() | Returns the mean squared error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getRMSE() | Returns the root mean squared error. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
int getNumberOfMissingValuesReplaced() | Returns the number of missing values replaced with estimates. | None. | Number replaced. |
double getOriginalData(int row) | Returns the original data values. | Row index (0 origin). | Original value. |
double getResidual(int row) | Returns the one step ahead forecast errors. | Row index (0 origin). | Residual. |
int getStatisticsSampleSize() | Returns the number of values used to calcualtye the statistics. | None. | Number of data values. |
double getUpperLimit(int row) | Returns the upper confidence limits for the forecasts. | Row index (0 origin). | Upper limit. |
double getValidationMAE() | Returns the mean absolute error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getValidationMAPE() | Returns the mean absolute percentage error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getValidationME() | Returns the mean error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getValidationMPE() | Returns the mean percentage error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getValidationMSE() | Returns the mean squared error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
double getValidationRMSE() | Returns the root mean squared error during the validation period. | None. | Calculated statistic. |
int getValidationSampleSize() | Returns the number of values used to calcualtye the validation statistics. | None. | Number of data values. |
Name | Description |
Residual | One step ahead forecast errors. |
Forecast | Forecasted data values. |