Tutorial #6 - Copying Results to Excel, Word, or PowerPoint

STATGRAPHICS Centurion is designed to work smoothly with Microsoft Office. This tutorial shows how to take results created in STATGRAPHICS and copy them to Excel, Word or PowerPoint.

Creating a Typical Analysis

  1. If the STATGRAPHICS DataBook currently contains data, select File - Close - Close StatFolio from the main STATGRAPHICS menu to clear all data and analyses.
  2. Select File - Open - Open Data Source from the main STATGRAPHICS menu.
  3. On the Open Data Source dialog box, select STATGRAPHICS Data File:

and then open the sample data file 93cars.sf6.

  1. From the main menu, select the Simple Regression procedure:
  1. On the data input dialog box, select the variables shown below:

  1. Press OK to display the analysis window:


Copying Results via the Windows Clipboard

The Windows clipboard can be used to copy tables and graphs to Excel, Word or PowerPoint. The example below shows how to copy the results to Excel. The steps for Word and PowerPoint are similar.

  1. To copy the table containing the estimated intercept and slope, double-click on the left pane to maximize it:

  1. Use your mouse to highlight the table beneath the word "Coefficients":

  1. Click your right mouse button send select Copy from the popup menu:

  1. Go to Microsoft Excel and click in an empty cell where you want the text to be displayed:

  1. Select Edit - Paste from the main Excel menu to paste the table into Excel:

Note that the estimated intercept and slope and the other statistics have been pasted into Excel as numeric cells which can then be used in other calculations. If you had pasted the table into Word rather than Excel, the table would become a real Word table with rows and columns that you could edit:

  1. To copy the graph of the fitted model into Excel, return to STATGRAPHICS and double-click on the right pane to maximize it:

  1. Click your right mouse button and select Copy from the popup menu.
  2. Go to Microsoft Excel and click in an empty cell where you want the graph to be displayed.
  3. Select Edit - Paste from the main Excel menu to paste the graph into Excel:

  1. Grab the bottom right corner of the graph while in Excel and change its size to whatever you desire:


Copying Results Using the StatReporter

The StatReporter is a copy of Microsoft WordPad running within a STATGRAPHICS window. It can be used to save an entire analysis or analyses in a document that can be read directly into Microsoft Word.

  1. To copy the entire Simple Regression analysis into the StatReporter, return to STATGRAPHICS and click the right mouse button anywhere within the analysis window. Select Copy Analysis to StatReporter from the popup menu:


  1. On the navigation bar along the left side of the STATGRAPHICS Window, click on StatReporter:

This will bring the StatReporter window to the foreground:

  1. To copy the entire contents of the StatReporter to the Windows clipboard, highlight everything with your mouse, press the right mouse button, and select Copy from the popup menu:

You can then go to Word and paste the entire analysis into a Word document.

  1. To save the contents of the StatReporter to a file, press the right mouse button and select Save StatReporter As...

  1. On the Save StatReporter As dialog box, enter "My Report" in the File name field and press Save:

The file will be saved in a rich text file with the file extension .rtf.

  1. Go to Microsoft Word and select File - Open from the top menu.
  2. Select My Report.rtf and press Open:

This will load the analysis output into Word, with all the tables and graphs:


Saving Graphs as Image Files

It is also possible to save individual graphs created in STATGRAPHICS as image files and then insert them into Microsoft Office documents.

  1. While in STATGRAPHICS, double-click on the graph you wish to save to maximize it:

  1. Press the right mouse button and select Save Graph...

  1. Enter a name for the saved image file and select the image type from the Save as type field:

  1. Press OK to save the file:

  1. Go to any Microsoft Office Application such as PowerPoint and select Insert - Picture - From File....

  1. Highlight the desired file and press Insert to insert the picture into the Office document:

You can then resize the image as desired.
